Sunday 1 November 2015

Bumpy Ride

As always, I appreciate all of the offers of help from friends & family. Just knowing that there are so many I could call on makes things less overwhelming. Even when I end up spending an extra 2-3 hrs at the hospital (plugged picc lines) and have more last minute apts than expected for silly things like letting the cathflow (picc line cleaning drug) work it's magic for 24 hrs rather than 2... Or just finding the paperwork from my original surgeon with an early morning follow up apt for Monday... Wonder if that was cancelled due to second surgery and all of the other things that have been going on? Oh well... will find out tomorrow if they call wondering where I am!
Still need to work on sleeping. The radiation treatments have me feeling very tired, the steroids I had to start again (was weaned off during 3rd stay in hospital a couple weeks ago...) have me bouncing and unable to sleep... Can't find a balance it seems :(
But, even with all the icky-grossness I'm feeling these days, weekly blood work, and daily apts, I am really excited for the pot-luck being organized for next Friday, for being able to talk to my babe every couple days, and for finally starting to make a dent in the stuff we have pilled up in here! Just need to get the energy to take a few (dozen) more pics for a few more kijiji ads - see if I can sell a few things before donating the rest!
Vent session over - Hugs & Love to all :)

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