Thursday 29 October 2015

Side-effects and double bookings

I am very grateful for the volunteer driver program that is run through the Canadian Cancer Society. Some of the drivers are very flexible (one let me pick up a prescription and supplies for my home-care yesterday, then when he mentioned that he would be my driver again Friday I told him I have to cancel that one as I also need blood-work... He told me not to bother. That it doesn't matter whether he hangs out for one hour while I have my treatment or two hours, he will work around it!) So sweet :)

I've only had 3 treatments so far, but aside from the burning smells and headaches, I'm also noticing several very thin patches in my hair. Luckily my hair is very short now, and at least two of the patches are next to my surgical scars, but I really didn't think that I would be loosing hair so soon! Eeek!!!

The other (and hopefully final!) whiny issue I have today is about double bookings. On Monday when I began treatments, I spoke with one of the receptionists for the radiation therapy section. I explained to her that I am using the volunteer driver program (which means they are not allowed to change apt times last minute or book outside of certain hours, as they did twice for today, and only let me know while I was in yesterday!), and I told her about my home-care nurse who comes in Mon & Thurs to change the dressings & lines for my med bag. The way that runs, she has to come in after all doses have been given (around 11 am) and be finished before the next dose is programmed to start (1:30 pm). So when I got the schedule for next week from radiation, and both Mon and Thurs had 11:15 am apts, I got a wee bit upset (also have to call the drivers by Wed to book for Mon!)... The main receptionist was not at all helpful, she sent me to talk to the unit staff who told me that there were NO notes on my file, so come in at the previous scheduled time for today (too late to change the drivers' times!) but that she can't do anything about next week. I called in once home, spoke to three people, but FINALLY got it sorted for next week :-)

Hoping now that I can get my full treatment schedule when I go in today... As was asked for on day one!

Okay, whine-fest over! Still having fun sorting and trying to decide what I keep & what goes, but it seems like I am making WAY more mess that space! LOL A few more weeks and everything has to be done! LOL

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