Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tired but making progress!

Everything seems to pile up at times. I am tired all the time (haven't slept at all since a 2 hr nap last Saturday - even with sleeping pills)... but I feel bad complaining about little things like that when so many other things are working out much more easily than I had expected.

The chemo pills are not making me feel ill (yet - have been told it takes about 2 weeks to feel the full effects) even though my hair is falling out A LOT more now that I am on those as well as the radiation. I also ran into the lovely ladies who had offered to take me out to support groups during treatment while at the TBCC yesterday. We had a little chat about treatments, side-effects, and lack of energy to do anything! They are so sweet, and so understanding about why I am not into joining groups here - Hamilton has the same types of programs through their cancer centre and I think that those will be a good way for me to meet people once there.

My furniture is slowly but steadily trickling out the door, giving me space to pack and clean around what is left. Some of my neighbours are also in no rush for things like my desk & dresser, so I appreciate that they are near to come and take those last minute rather than try to get it all out for donation a few days before I move (a matching bedroom suit was donated to my sister in Ont for me, what comes around goes around!). The silly things that make life easier!

Now, I just need to take advantage of this last warm day before winter hits to clean up my car more (shop didn't do a great job... can't blame them - kid cars suck!) and take some pics so I can try to sell this thing ASAP! Notice for my apartment has been given, slowly checking things off my to-do list...

I feel guilty focusing on myself so much. Especially with all the hate and terror going on in the world. It makes my heart hurt to see people responding so strongly to the Paris attacks when similar numbers of innocents are killed daily throughout the Middle East and Africa. Not having cable seems to restrict my information, though I am not sure if mainstream news ever paid attention or mentioned the attacks that happened in the days before Paris. From my perspective, it seems to be that people respond much faster and more wholeheartedly to the familiar - attacks on Western society appear to hit much closer to home than the daily suffering of would-be immigrants & refugees. I hope that Trudeau and others do not stop their plans to help those in most need.

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