Tuesday 27 October 2015


Yesterday I began treatments. After the home-care nurse came in to change the tubes & dressing on my picc line a volunteer driver from the Canadian Cancer center came to take me over to the TBCC. It was a very different experience. I waited for nearly half an hour, but during that time volunteers went through twice offering snacks and drinks to everyone in the waiting areas. As far as I can see, having cancer gives people a strange form of privilege! Free rides, free food & drinks, free classes (if I ever get around to attending them!)... And a great deal of compassion & support from everyone (thanks all!)
The treatment itself was very different. The radiation therapists went over some of the side-affects of treatments - headaches, nausea, etc. They didn't mention the strange burning smells (which apparently half of the brain patients experience... makes me wonder when the nausea is going to hit since they DID mention that one...). They also did not mention that it was the bed itself that moved around, not the radiation machine. That was a very odd sensation as well, especially when I was trying to focus on the picture on the ceiling!
The good part is that it was a fairly quick procedure. Once I was in the room it took less than 15 minutes. Today I have my first weekly follow-up with my radiation Dr. after treatment. Only 32 more radiation sessions, 7 follow up apts with this Dr, 7 more rounds of blood work (for both the antibiotics and then for the chemo), 5 more home care nurse visits... The count downs are on!
Take care all :-)

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