Wednesday 21 October 2015

Learning a New Language

First of all - thanks to everyone for the unending support and generosity.

I feel now like I am learning a new language. The language of cancer and treatments and options for care, personal directives and end of life care preferences... A lot of things that I had never felt the need to think about two months ago.

But along with that I am also learning about the purely selfless giving nature of so many people - along with friends & family donating $ and food (thank-you!), complete strangers providing care packages of things they feel would have been useful during their own treatments, the other person in attendance at the teaching session today who offered me a ride home (her daughter as driver) and waited while I picked up my homecare supplies for tomorrow's apt, the volunteer driver services receptionist who worked through my schedule of treatments for next week...

Yes, I get to start radiation therapy on Monday! I was told that they prefer to start chemo at the same time, but because of my antibiotics the chemo will have to wait until after Nov 13th. My choice - I told the chemo Dr at my apt yesterday that I plan to be back in ONT with my daughter for Christmas, so they need to figure it out around that. I was also advised that flying is NOT recommended as it has some major effects on the pressure in peoples' heads. I had been told many people fly back and forth for treatments between Calgary and Hamilton... Apparently just not people going through treatments for brain-cancer! So it will be a long drive :)

So now I am home and discovering that I can take care of myself and stave off boredom by doing many small things throughout the day, alternating with 'rest' times (AKA netflix! LOL). Yesterday I was out for 6 hrs for all of my apts and travel time, today was thankfully only 5 hrs because of the ride home. I'm not sure if I am looking forward to the treatments starting or not - 6.5 weeks, but I can at least arrange for rides most days and not have to take transit! LOL

Also, I'm glad that my baby has adjusted so well to life in Ontario - she already has a BFF and is at her birthday party this evening <3 I got to Skype with her while she was staying with another sister & the children she nanny's (whom Rori hung out with here before they moved to ONT a couple of years ago!) on the weekend, and she looks SO grown up! I can't wait to see her again, but knowing how well she is doing makes me very glad that I was able to send her off so quickly.

Hugs and love to all!

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