Thursday 22 October 2015

Seizures Redefined

I used to think of seizures as something obvious and fairly extreme. The full-on shaking, black out, and loss of bodily control that many epileptics experience (I have witnessed many of those in my life).
During yesterday's education session the oncology nurse explained two other types of seizures. Apparently my experiences of not being able to speak for several minutes, while remembering everything and still having full control of movements, is classified as a "simple partial" seizure. Thankfully I have not had any of those episodes since being on the anti-convulsent medication that was given to me when I first went into hospital at the end of August, but it is still unnerving to realize that I could not recognize a seizure even while I was having them. Plus - what does this mean for me being able to drive again? I know I am not allowed to drive right now, but does that mean I have to wait the 6-12 months before I can? Yikes :(

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