Sunday 31 January 2016

My 'Bucket List' - Part 1

Crazy as it sounds, I have decided that since I don't have a "later" in life to look forward to (or push things off until?!?) I need to DO some of the things I've been putting off because of time/energy/finances/etc... So this summer I have committed to o skydiving with a group being organized by one of my sister's friends, and have signed up for the local Mudhero event with my siblings and nephew (Rori is doing the kids' event with her cousin). Now I just need to get into good enough shape to make it the full 6k plus obstacles! LOL Playing in that much mud does sound like a blast and if nothing else, we all get a t-shirt for our troubles ;-)

That would be the beginning of my bucket list. I also need to look into the whitewater rafting adventures since I never did get around to doing that in the mountains - Rori was too young so once again I put it off for 'later'. Not that I have officially written out a bucket list, it just feels like it's now or never, so I should really get on things!

Rori had an awesome time last week at her new kids' group through Wellwood (free programs for families of & those diagnosed with cancer). Thankfully they have a shuttle for the Wednesday evening program so it doesn't interfere with other previously scheduled activities, and they also had a PA day camp (which she also LOVED!). The people there are amazingly supportive and kind, very grateful for the positive energy they offer. It was also interesting that she came home with very age appropriate questions - the staff had mentioned that they don't encourage discussing cancer etc, but that it does happen as that is the one thing the kids are guaranteed to have in common. She came in asking about my chemotherapy (which hit harder this past week than expected, but not horrifically - thank goodness!) and if the cancer was going to come back. I explained to her that the chemo is poison to help keep the cancer from growing & spreading, but that yes it will come back. She barely paused to absorb it before flitting on to show me the game and treasures she had made during the day camp. Very proud of how well she is dealing with this!

And now I am just VERY glad that my week of follow-up chemo is over, three weeks off until the next round :) At least I have a better idea now of what to expect and how my body will react to the much heavier doses. I can be better prepared for future issues now that I know!

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