The chaos of the past couple of weeks has been absolutely overwhelming. So many people stepped up and helped me out with ridding my apartment of things I no longer needed,or taking me out for much needed breaks to see the opening of the Lions Festival of Lights, followed by Zoolights the next weekend, and a Chanukka potluck celebration as the final hurrah!
The friends we made will forever live in our hearts, leaving was very difficult and I feel like there were so many plans that had been put on hold until Rori was 'old enough' to participate. Hopefully we will make it out again for a visit and to make it back out to the Enchanted Forest or white water rafting (she's old enough next summer!) and hiking in real mountains instead of walking up the big hills here will be a must!
My crazy baby brother drove straight from Ontario to Calgary to pick me up. Thankfully he had to stay two nights to both recoup and to help me out with deliveries and picking up the uhaul (nightmare = faulty wiring then leaky trailer, but we made it!). The extra help last minute from building friends was also very much appreciated!
The drive was LONG but we made good time (even after I made him stop a few times - freezing rain most of the way, thick fog, and extremely windy in northern Ontario made for a couple of adventures... like spinning out in the prairies!). Thankfully no damage and we made it in one piece - he is the best judge of where it's okay to park backwards in the grassy median! My tummy was not happy with the constant swaying sensations, but a few extra gravol made things more bearable and we made it to Hamilton in time to unload and return the trailer before surprising Rori at school :)
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