Saturday 12 December 2015


It has been a VERY long 3.5 months. But I am FINALLY through and finished with the first rounds of surgeries & treatments!!! Counting down the days now until I am back with my girl... A real hug is so much better than a chat on the phone!

With the final treatments yesterday, I was also shown the MRI pics for the first time (by the surgeon who also gave me his email to keep him updated with my progress!). I thought he was joking at first when I asked him to define "successfully removing a large mass", which is all anyone had told me previously, and he held out his fist. Then he pulled up the pics. Apparently it wasn't so much a 'brain bug' as it was a brain rat! He told me that it was larger than the frontal lobe which was moved around by the growing mass. This final conversation gave me both the answers and perspective I was looking for. It explains why they were so surprised at how quickly and completely I recovered from the surgeries (no physical/mental deficits anyway!) and why they would not let me leave without a 'person' being available 24/7.

  The large white spot is the tumour pre-surgery...

It certainly explains the headaches and dizziness I had been experiencing all year - though Dr Kelly also told me they have no way of finding out how long it had been there. Apparently this was his reason for giving me the worst case scenario's of not being able to speak or use my right side after surgery! Forever grateful that I did not have to go through months of therapy to return to 'normal'... Recognized a couple of the patients who were still in the hospital from when I was there back in October - very sad, I couldn't have handled that!

Now it's time to finish getting rid of my things, packing up what I'm keeping, and get back to my babe so I can figure out a brand new (to me!) city and routines! Thankful that my sister lives in the same city as Ontario's equivalent to the TBCC here in Calgary - makes organizing the switch and follow ups much easier for everyone!

Happy Holidays to everyone, thank you all again for the love & support - near and far I'm sure that the prayers and good vibes have helped me through this journey!

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